TREK = Journey or Path. Many of us have career goals and dreams that begin at a very early age, yet we often think we must wait until a certain age to get started on that path. THIS IS FALSE.
TREK Training Institute (TTI) believes the first steps of any career path can begin as early as possible. Specifically, teens are at a prime age to start learning fundamental skills. Most employers begin hiring at age 15 or 16 years old, but there is no age requirement to start your own business or side hustle. START TODAY!
Increase your earning potential. Employers often have a low starting rate for employers with no experience or training. Increase your earning potential. Many of TREK classes are geared to entrepreneurship or a "side gig". When you work for yourself, you set your own income and there is no limit on the earning potential, Your destiny is in your own hands.
WHY TTI? There are many Technical Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools in our area, and we love and respect each of them. We are not in competition with any institution. TTI serves as a pre-requisite to those trusted institutions. Our classes are a very quick, low cost, opportunity to learn basics and explore a career path before commiting to an extended program which may take 1-2 years.
WHY TTI? We are not teachers. We are connectors. Our classes are all taught by skilled professionals, Certified instructors, and masters or Doctorate level professionals who have proven success in their industry. By learning from industry leaders, you'll receive first-hand knowledge on how to get started and where to go next in your journey.
WHY TTI? If you are a teen or the parent of a teen then you know, there is little to nothing offered to them. Some high schools offer accelerated \
programs for students at particular schools an\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]
d/or students that meet certain grade and behavior requirements. TREK is available for ALL teens. Regardless of if you are homeschooled, attend a charter, or have stopped attending school completely. We believe knowledge and a career track given to teens as early as possible can end generational poverty and provide a positive deterrent for those in at-risk behavior.